Yoga is not one of those new fashions that man has adopted very recently. It is quite different from the conventional fitness practices. Besides, yoga postures involve a lot of self-control and determination to continue in the daily run. It necessarily does not mean that yoga is a difficult to carry on with concept, what is important is the good will for an extended result. Not only in case of yoga, but when you practice some other type of fitness program, that will also ask for the same amount of dedication and hard work.
If we theoretically explore the birth of yoga, we can find the origins developed somewhere by the Indus civilization in the northwestern part of India. You can find the mention of the yoga even at the times of Rig Veda, the most ancient and scared text of the world. Previously, yoga has a unlike definition in life encircling mental development and purity. The monks were integrally associated with yoga with a restricted life devoid of luxury. To them, yoga was a tool for self-motivation and spiritual development. After Vedas, yoga continued as a major form of practice even at times of Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita, the other too worthwhile texts depicting Indian culture. However, as the days passed on it continued being modified and remodeled by the generations. Now yoga has wider connotation involving the notions of action (karma yoga) and wisdom (jnana yoga).
The first ever purest and the modern version of yoga came with Patanjali’s “YOGSUTRA”. Although quite an ancient idea which goes back to the second century, it was the first scientific version of yoga. The yoga we are acquainted to these days is only derivation of the same practices directly. If you visit one of the yoga camps popular all around these days, you will find the mentors maintaining his name as the king of yoga.
The early nineteenth century witnessed a tremendous transformation of yoga when it expanded to the western frontiers quickly. Yoga revived back its definition with T.Krishnamacharya in 1920. He was the introducer to the popular Hatha Yoga postures, which became immensely popular in the Indian scenario. Yoga for meditation achieved a different developmental parameter by this time. It will be a disregard if not mentioning the names of T.K.V.Desikachar, Pattabhi Jois and B.K.S Iyengar, the famous trio students of Krishnamacharya. These three people owe high credit for spreading the legacy of yoga all around the world after their master.
Talking about the present day yoga, it is a much modified and reshaped form than what it has been earlier. Now even advanced, moderate and yoga for beginners online programs are obtaining huge recognition. Today yoga encompasses a larger fitness concept that takes body and mind together. A person can get rid of various ailments if he practices yoga on regular basis. It will not a hyperbole if say that yoga keeps away disease from us and make us brawny in addition to making our immunity strong. In a nutshell, it can be said that yoga has attained a universal approach these days and followers of this approach are overlapping even billions day by day.
If we theoretically explore the birth of yoga, we can find the origins developed somewhere by the Indus civilization in the northwestern part of India. You can find the mention of the yoga even at the times of Rig Veda, the most ancient and scared text of the world. Previously, yoga has a unlike definition in life encircling mental development and purity. The monks were integrally associated with yoga with a restricted life devoid of luxury. To them, yoga was a tool for self-motivation and spiritual development. After Vedas, yoga continued as a major form of practice even at times of Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita, the other too worthwhile texts depicting Indian culture. However, as the days passed on it continued being modified and remodeled by the generations. Now yoga has wider connotation involving the notions of action (karma yoga) and wisdom (jnana yoga).
The first ever purest and the modern version of yoga came with Patanjali’s “YOGSUTRA”. Although quite an ancient idea which goes back to the second century, it was the first scientific version of yoga. The yoga we are acquainted to these days is only derivation of the same practices directly. If you visit one of the yoga camps popular all around these days, you will find the mentors maintaining his name as the king of yoga.
The early nineteenth century witnessed a tremendous transformation of yoga when it expanded to the western frontiers quickly. Yoga revived back its definition with T.Krishnamacharya in 1920. He was the introducer to the popular Hatha Yoga postures, which became immensely popular in the Indian scenario. Yoga for meditation achieved a different developmental parameter by this time. It will be a disregard if not mentioning the names of T.K.V.Desikachar, Pattabhi Jois and B.K.S Iyengar, the famous trio students of Krishnamacharya. These three people owe high credit for spreading the legacy of yoga all around the world after their master.
Talking about the present day yoga, it is a much modified and reshaped form than what it has been earlier. Now even advanced, moderate and yoga for beginners online programs are obtaining huge recognition. Today yoga encompasses a larger fitness concept that takes body and mind together. A person can get rid of various ailments if he practices yoga on regular basis. It will not a hyperbole if say that yoga keeps away disease from us and make us brawny in addition to making our immunity strong. In a nutshell, it can be said that yoga has attained a universal approach these days and followers of this approach are overlapping even billions day by day.