Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Meditation Guide - How To Prepare For Meditation

Posted by Palila Jones at 1:01 AM
Meditation may appear very simple to some one who is yet to begin with the art but, can be quite challenging when attempted for real. The peace and serenity that we usually see surrounding someone who is in the process of deep meditation, does not come in a day’s time. It takes years and years of dedication and practice to reach a certain level wherefrom the real benefits of meditation or, dhyan can be experienced. Meditation for beginners particularly, can be very difficult. Sitting down quietly is an otherwise difficult task, and this is precisely what meditation requires as its very first requisite.

A number of external factors ensure how effective the practice of meditation and its effects will be in the coming days for a learner. While it is true that meditation has got to do everything with the ‘inside’ of a human being, the external factors should not be neglected as it matters to every bit, as far as meditation for beginners is concerned. We may have come across numerous examples of Yogis who could continue with meditation irrespective of weather conditions (heat, cold, thunderstorms snow etc), but, all this could have been possible hundreds of years ago when people used to actually dedicate themselves to the art and reach levels of expertise that people of the present times can only dream of. Therefore, it is only for the benefit of the present day beginners to ensure the prerequisites before attempting practice of meditation of any sort.

Area Of Practice:

Meditation should be practiced in an area that is quiet and has a sense of tranquility surrounding it. Whether you have chosen yoga for meditation, or, any other form, the area of practice can have a massive effect on how you develop in the art. Cleanliness of the area of practice is a must and should not be compromised with. you can never accomplish true meditation if you have been practicing in a dirty, odorous, pest ridden, clammy, noisy and overall, polluted surrounding. Avoiding severe weather conditions like rain, excessive heat, chill, storms etc is wise. You may be able to sit quietly tolerating these extremes, but ‘meditation’ per se, will not happen. Whether indoors or, outdoors, ascertaining that the area for practice is right for meditation will go a long way into getting you the true benefit of the practice.

Cessation Of Thoughts:

This is easier said than done. Thoughts are the intangible phenomena that keeps occurring within the human mind voluntarily and involuntarily. Thoughts of either of the sort must be ignored while meditating. Conscious or, constructive thinking should be consciously avoided. On the other hand, the involuntary or, unconscious thinking (that are thoughts that just keep floating into the mind without any conscious effort from the person) should be overlooked. Dwelling on thoughts while sitting in meditative posture is as good as not meditating at all. True meditation happens when all conscious and unconscious thoughts depart from a human mind. One must allow that to happen. This may take years to master, but with proper practice, it is sure to happen at least to a certain extent.


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