Monday, August 8, 2011

Meditation is like magic

Posted by Palila Jones at 1:13 AM
Meditation is a part of yoga which helps a person to rejuvenate. It has the power to heal the body and soul. This helps in improving concentration and relaxing the body.

You all must have heard about mediation at some point of your life. Even I had heard a lot about this ancient form of rejuvenation but like most of you, hadn’t practice it myself. This is very common thing people are often aware of certain things but don’t try them until they are in most need of it. The same thing was repeated with me too. I also became a practitioner of yoga for meditation out of need but a fan of the process because of the gratitude.

I am a journalist working for a national daily for the last two years. I loved my job and profession. But over time it was becoming very stressful. I always knew that I was in a very demanding career but over time it was becoming more and more tough. The crazy working hours, the deadlines and pressures of the job was talking over. I started losing interest in work. I loved writing and dreamt of being a journalist but now I was losing it all. Moreover staying from home was also contributing to the uneasiness. The whole situation was very frustrating. I even thought of giving up the job.

A few months ago I discussed my situation with one of my colleagues. She advised me to take on yoga for meditation. She told me that even a year ago she was facing the same situation .At that time meditation had helped her, a lot to rejuvenate. The yoga for meditation techniques is great to fight the stress and relax the body and mind. She told me that in a demanding profession like ours. Through this process the one can get back the lost mental peace .Also it helps in increasing the concentration and focus for its practitioner. She told me that practicing meditation even for an your will change the whole scenario.

I was very inspired by her talk and decided to practice yoga for meditation by myself. For information I surfed through the net. It offered a lot of information on this ancient way of rejuvenation. I followed the information given and practiced meditation at least for an hour everyday. Trust me it works like magic.


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